West Bloomfield, Mich. –– FCICA, the flooring contractors association, announces the election of three new members of the board of directors for the 2013 – 2016 term of office. Jim Judd from Master Craft Carpet Service was elected to represent the contractor members, while Sonny Callaham of Royal Adhesive and Jason Spangler of Wagner Meters were both added to represent the associate members.
Each member of the FCICA Board of Directors serves a three-year rotational term and is elected at FCICA’s annual convention by those in good standing. Along with the newly elected board of directors are Madeleine Bayless of RFMS; Sim Crisler of LGM & Associates, and Brent Fike of FLEXCO, all continuing terms expiring in 2014, in addition to Kevin Phillips of nora systems; Mike Newberry of Inside Edge, and Stephen Rubesch of Total Flooring Systems, all continuing terms expiring in 2015.
The board of directors voted to keep the current executive board in place, which includes: chairman, Gerry Swift of CCA Floors and Interios; vice chairman, Bruce Reeve of Flooring Services; secretary/treasurer Mike Roberts of Bonitz Flooring Group; Don Jewell of Capri cork, and vice chairman of associates and immediate past chairman Christopher Capobianco of Spartan Surfaces. Continuing as executive vice president of FCICA is Kimberly E. Oderkirk. The board of directors elects officers yearly, and the executive vice president is hired by the association to manage daily activities.