Family wins asbestos case against TCNA

HomeInside FCNewsFamily wins asbestos case against TCNA

Association to appeal

Bridgeport, Conn.—According to a recent report in the Connecticut Post, in a case in which the Tile Council of North America (TCNA) has been found liable, the family of a New Haven, Conn., tile setter who died after contracting an asbestos-related cancer has been awarded $2.4 million.

A Superior Court jury deliberated for about three hours before finding the association liable in the death of Hannibal “Scottie” Saldibar and awarding his family $1.6 million. Judge Dale Radcliffe then ordered the organization to pay an additional $800,000 in punitive damages.

The 84-year-old Saldibar, who worked as a tile setter for 30 years, died in January 2010, nine months after being diagnosed with mesothelioma, a form of cancer that has been connected to asbestos contact.

Brian Kenney, the Saldibar’s lawyer, said, “The jury made an informed decision based on the facts of the case.”

Although it is a trade association, he noted TCNA developed the asbestos-containing mortar used by tile setters for many years.

Eric Astrachan, executive director of TCNA, said, “TCNA is a non-profit trade association responsible for the development of national and international standards. It is not a product manufacturer or distributor.”

He added, “Court documents indicate Mr. Saldibar had significant exposure to asbestos through his time in the Navy and various years when he installed asbestos insulation in boilers. We were surprised and disappointed by the jury’s decision to hold TCNA responsible for a product it never made and have asked the Connecticut Court to set aside the jury’s verdict.”

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