People making a difference 2024

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Floor Covering News’ annual “People making a difference” special section is a tribute to those in the flooring industry who go about their daily business lives striving to make a positive impact. This year’s list represents all facets of the flooring industry—manufacturing, distribution, retail and installation. Some are well-known executives, names familiar to flooring industry observers; others are more of the unsung hero variety, albeit people who step up in their roles. Bottom line: These deserving honorees are truly making a meaningful difference. 

Bill Blackstock: A stalwart defender
By Paul Friederichsen

Passion. If you asked me to distill Bill Blackstock down to a single word, that would be it.

Bill assumed the post of president and CEO of RFCI a few years ago, having been selected by the out-going, retiring leader, Dean Thompson. Big shoes to fill. He filled them and then some. 

You might think that the job of being the leader of the Resilient Floor Covering Institute would be easy. Like a Hang 10 surfer riding a wave of category popularity. You’d be mistaken. He tackles challenges to defend and advocate for resilient flooring and RFCI members with the same resolve and determination as I’m sure he did as a linebacker at his beloved Georgia Tech. He’s up at dawn. He’s rushing to make a connection. He’s devouring reams of regulatory data. He’s making hard decisions—many of which would freeze most of us in our tracks. But he does so with contemplation, consultation and prayer. In fact, I have never worked with a humbler soul, nor a wiser one. And he always, always thanks and elevates the team that surrounds him over himself. 

Under his watch, the resilient category has continued to grow. The membership has grown. Meeting attendance has grown. The board of directors has grown. Social media presence has grown. Tech advisory has grown. And consumer outreach through RFCI’s “Beautifully Responsible” digital campaign has also grown. 

All it takes is passion for the job … in the form of one Bill Blackstock.

Paul Friederichsen is the public relations/media consultant for RFCI. 

Deb DeGraaf: The doer
By Kaye Whitener

It’s a genuine honor to reflect on the contributions of my friend, Deb DeGraaf, the chairman of the Floor Covering Education Foundation (FCEF) board. For the past nine years, I’ve witnessed Deb’s visionary approach and dedication to various roles. Her presence in World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) and FCEF board meetings consistently showcases her guiding force and advocacy for our industry.

Deb epitomizes true leadership as demonstrated by being one of the founding WFCA executive board members who long recognized the importance of creating the FCEF to address the installation crisis. Through mentorship, she fosters a culture of collaboration and empowerment, unlocking the potential of those around her. Her willingness to tackle challenges head-on, especially as a female leader, is truly inspiring.

Deb’s initiative and commitment to excellence continues to set new standards. Her proactive approach—as exemplified by her efforts to implement installation training programs in Michigan for young installers, who she then hires—demonstrates her dedication to collective advancement.

In essence, Deb DeGraaf embodies the qualities of an exceptional friend and leader—compassionate, visionary and tirelessly dedicated to making a positive impact on the flooring industry. Congratulations, Deb, on this well-deserved recognition.

Kaye Whitener is director of operations for the Floor Covering Education Foundation.

Drew Hash: An intense but steady hand
By Kim Colquette 

Anyone who knows him would agree that Drew Hash is an intense leader as president and CEO of Southwind Floors. He makes things happen. With high energy, focus and determination in everything he does, his vision overcomes roadblocks. Those of us who follow his leadership do so because of his dedication to his team, our Southwind customers and the entire flooring industry that he loves so well. 

And here’s a secret: Don’t try to win an argument with him on business strategy and execution. Believe me, he knows what he’s doing. I’ve tried and watched others make the attempt. In a world where leadership has been softened and is full of timidity, indecision and lack of assertiveness, Drew stands out with his ability to make progress where others may remain stagnant and unsure.

Is it tough to work for a leader who is intense? Yes. But it’s also fulfilling, exciting and educational. I credit Drew for much of the knowledge I have about business and flooring. He has taken the time to teach me things that have helped me connect the dots and understand this challenging industry we’re all in. 

We all know that Drew is intense in business, but we also know that he can be incredibly fun to be around. He loves to have a good time with just about anyone who’s up for it, but we all know that he’s the master of “ringing the bell” in the morning and hard at work by 5 a.m. 

Drew Hash makes a big difference every day at Southwind, and in so doing makes a huge difference in our industry. 

Kim Colquette is vice president – sourcing and inventory management, Southwind.

Brian Elias: Entrepreneur, innovator
By Steve Silvers

Brian Elias started selling pots and pans out of the trunk of his car when he was only 20 years old. This was the start of a 35-year passion for sales and marketing. Brian is an entrepreneur in the truest meaning of the word. While Brian has a deep understanding of how sales and marketing fuel a business, he also understands that culture and people are the things that feed long-term growth. After the successful sale of his home improvement company to private equity, Brian is now partnered with his son Daniel in the flooring industry. Together they have launched Refloor and in just a few short years are servicing 12 markets. The Refloor team has developed a unique model of curated hard surface products that consumers want presented in a very easy-to-follow sales process with a focus on keeping it simple for the consumer. Leaders like Brian with strong entrepreneurial instincts are what the floor covering industry needs as consumer behaviors continue to evolve in the post-COVID-19 world. 

While I was lucky enough to be part of the team that grew Empire Today into the first national in-home sales flooring company, I am very excited to watch Refloor reinvent this model and achieve some of the same success. We will all benefit from the mindset and innovation that Brian is bringing to the floor covering industry.

Steve Silvers is the CEO of Express Flooring.

Jeff Bieber: Always thinking outside the box
By Todd Saunders

Jeff defines the type of person we want helping to move the flooring industry forward. He has become a catalyst for change within the industry and leads our marketing team at Broadlume. 

From the moment Jeff joined the company and became part of the flooring industry, he brought a unique perspective and a commitment to challenge the status quo. His ability to think differently has pushed us as a company and as an industry to re-evaluate everything that has worked in the past, to see if it will work in the future. Pushing the envelope of what’s possible is where Jeff thrives.

Many of Jeff’s accomplishments center around helping flooring dealers learn, network and become the best version of themselves. You can clearly see this in his work as he was the visionary for large industry events such as FloorCon and Retail Bootcamp. 

Internally at Broadlume, Jeff leads by example, creating a culture of creativity that empowers others to embrace change and new ways of thinking. He has a unique ability to inspire others to think outside the box, which is especially necessary in our industry. 

I could not think of anyone else I would rather see leading the forefront of change and disruption in the flooring industry. 

Todd Saunders is the CEO of Broadlume. 

Bill Wilson: Consummate advocate for members
By Ted Dlugokienski

From the day he joined Abbey nearly 25 years ago, Bill understood the value of relationships and immediately began fostering them with members, manufacturers and service organizations. His approach, personality and work ethic became contagious throughout the marketing department. He quickly understood the value of the benefits Abbey provided to our membership and, more importantly, the importance of allowing each of our members the opportunity to maintain their independence and entrepreneurial spirit.

Recognizing the evolving landscape, Bill effectively led his team through a marketing evolution of sorts as the marketing focus shifted from print and media to the dynamic digital world. Because of Bill and his team’s tireless efforts, our Abbey and Floors To Go Members have access to a world-class marketing platform that is built with the flexibility to meet the needs of every member on an individual basis. His efforts and those of his team ensure our members are positioned to maximize the ongoing opportunities in their marketplace, leading to a stronger bottom line.

As he continues to contribute his expertise and unwavering commitment, our members can rest assured that they will thrive under his guidance for years to come.

Ted Dlugokienski is the CFO, executive vice president of operations and secretary of Abbey Carpet.

Pawel Rajszel: A true luminary
By Olga Robertson 

We’ve been working with the team at Roomvo, a Leap Tools company, for the past three years or more and have developed a strong partnership with the best and the brightest talent. When I met Pawel for the first time at Surfaces 2024, I realized instantly why they are the best and, more importantly, why they are the leaders in AI room visualization software. 

Roomvo is a young enterprise founded by a highly intelligent and energetic “influencer” who leads by example. When he talks about his team he lights up with pride as he touts all their accomplishments. One thing I truly admire about him is his humility. He has built a first-rate company with the help of his partner but never takes anything or anyone for granted. We were thrilled that he accepted our invitation to be the keynote at our convention, and his address was down-to-earth, relatable yet cutting-edge. Pawel’s expertise in AI, as an early adopter, separates him from the competition. His knowledge and experience as a Google executive helped him build the bridge that connects the online and in-store journey known as digital retailing. 

As many of you will attest, the more you learn about AI the less you know. We are in the consciously incompetent stage of learning, so we look to experts in that field like Pawel Rajszel for a sensible and intelligent path forward. His energy is contagious and his expertise is deeply steeped in the world of artificial intelligence. Kudos to Pawel and the team at Leap Tools. 

Olga Robertson is president of FCA Network.

Robert Varden: A champion for the cause
By Sonny Callaham

Robert Varden is an icon in the flooring industry. His commitment to the installation community is unmatched. Through his time with Certified Flooring Installers (CFI) to his new organization, Advanced Flooring Technology (AFT), he has been dedicated to finding both new installers and supporting those who are currently installing.

Long before the industry’s acceptance of the installation crisis, Robert had been an advocate for adding installers to the flooring industry. Not only does Robert have the drive for training, but he also has a vast knowledge of carpet types and backings and is willing to share his knowledge with anyone who wants to learn.

I first met Robert while he was the executive director of CFI and I was the chair for NAFCT. We worked on multiple projects on how to advance our industry. In the fall of 2023, Robert and I had the idea of creating a “convention/learning session” strictly for installers that we called “The Summit.” It was an intense two days of learning and networking with industry professionals. We collaborated on the educational sessions and partnered with leading manufacturers of flooring and sundry items for the trade show designed for the installer in mind. He presented on the proper seaming techniques for multiple carpet backing types. Even the experienced installers in the group learned something—including myself. In 2022, Robert invited me to participate in his new flooring association, UNITE, and to be on the board of directors, which I humbly accepted. The focus of UNITE is to bring together all of the different training associations and help us all work toward our common goal of uniting the industry. I am proud to be involved and proud to call Robert my friend.

Sonny Callaham is chairman of the National Association of Floor Covering Technicians.

John McHale: A quiet force
By Jane Walker

My husband Jim Walker and I met John McHale in the early 1990s when he arrived at our office to apply for a job. We were hiring for five positions. I hired five females and John. He was only 19 and I saw great potential in him. He had just moved from St. Louis, Mo. Jim had a fit! He wanted to know why I hired such a young, inexperienced kid. Oh my!

Jim decided he would get rid of him immediately. He took him on all types of flooring estimates, which were drawn to scale on 18 x 12 graph paper outlining the entire job. He knew John could not do these. Boy, was he surprised. John would show up the next day with five to seven houses or corporate facilities all drawn to scale. He never made a mistake. He was a very quiet and efficient individual. 

It takes quite a memory to recall what this very quiet and humble individual has accomplished. The entire industry knows him and understands how he will always get any job done correctly. We are very proud of him and the many paths he has followed. It would be difficult to imagine how CFI would exist without John’s knowledge and commitment to excellence. The quiet, young, inexperienced guy I hired more than 30 years ago has evolved into a giant in the flooring industry.

Jane Walker is the former vice president of CFI.

Zack Zehner: Guided by legacy, focused on the future
By Tom Pendley

As the fifth generation of the Campbell family to lead Mannington Mills, Zack Zehner, executive chairman of the board, is honoring the past but focused on the future. 

Zack’s commitment to carrying the Campbell family legacy forward is inspiring, uplifting and contagious. He joined Mannington Mills 20 years ago and has held such diverse positions as district manager, laminate product manager, vice president of commercial hard surface and president of residential business. Along the way, he learned from his uncle and mentor, Keith Campbell; but it’s also easy to see that his dedication to this company and to Mannington associates comes naturally.

Zack’s goal is to maintain a balance of “people and purpose,” which means that Mannington must retain the values-driven and long-standing family culture that is a cornerstone of the company with the need to be a future-focused, high-performing organization. I often say that “To whom much is given, much is expected.” As leaders, we have been entrusted with this company and the responsibility to pass it on in a better position than we received it.

Fortunately, Mannington’s private ownership empowers it to make the right, long-term business decisions driven by its core values of: Care; Do the Right Thing; Control Our Own Destiny; and Work Hard/Play Hard. 

A lot has changed over the years, but thanks to Zack and the Campbell family Mannington has always had these guideposts, empowering the company to forge a path ahead but never forget its past.

Tom Pendley is president and CEO of Mannington Mills.

Jennifer Zimmerman: Passionately committed
By Brian Carson 

Jennifer played a leading role in helping to grow AHF Products from a hardwood manufacturer to a complete hard surface provider with 13 plants, including 12 in the U.S. She was integral in the asset purchase and rebirth of the iconic Armstrong Flooring brand, and building upon the wonderful Crossville purchase, in addition to the acquisitions of LM Flooring, Parterre and American OEM. These acquisitions have fueled AHF’s growth, more than doubling our customers, business and product categories in short order. 

Her passion for the flooring industry ignited during her tenure as general counsel at AHF Products, where she excelled for over three years, earning her the chief commercial officer position in 2022.

With Jennifer’s sharp execution, AHF Products has grown and excelled in a difficult market environment, now with 16 brands and 13 plants. Our most recent acquisition of Crossville has catapulted AHF into an industry-leading position in the dynamic tile category and has made us a clear leader across hard surface flooring in both the residential and commercial categories.

Jennifer has helped to make all of us—and especially me—better, and her relentless commitment to excellence is unwavering and inspiring. The best is yet to come. 

Brian Carson is the president and CEO of AHF Products.

Lauren Schnakenberg: Visionary style
By Jason Surratt

When I accepted the opportunity to lead Tarkett Home, I immediately knew one person I needed on my team. Lauren Schnakenberg had worked to build a reputation of design leadership for Phenix Flooring, and I knew her talent would foster a culture of innovation and creativity.

Lauren’s success goes beyond a passion for residential interiors and understanding emerging trends. She has honed her skills as a designer through 20-plus years in the flooring industry. Lauren has an innate understanding of how those trends translate to flooring style choices for the consumer. 

With experience across different manufacturers, including Shaw, Mohawk and Royalty, Lauren has unparalleled expertise in tufting design capabilities that allow products to be innovative while maintaining manufacturing efficient processes. That expertise lends to great collaboration between operations and product development, allowing innovation to thrive—and it’s paying dividends. The accolades and awards for our products highlight that.

Since joining Tarkett Home, Lauren has grown into a leader for the business utilizing the same passion and design eye to develop Tarkett Home’s brand presence. She has a vision of what our brand can and should be. With her strategic leadership, Lauren allows her team to work creatively, driving forward a common goal that is delivering success. Lauren’s visionary style has not only transformed Tarkett Home’s portfolio but also ignited a passion in our sales team, providing them the confidence that they truly offer a best-in-industry product line to their customers.

Jason Surratt is the president of Tarkett Home.

Nick Bock: The buyer

When Nick Bock and his wife, Erin, started 31st Street Capital in October 2018, they weren’t necessarily looking to acquire flooring retailers. In fact, Bock said that if he were to list the top 50 companies that could be acquisition targets—across all business sectors—flooring might not be on that list. But, as it turned out, flooring did make the list, again and again.

Since its founding, the family-owned holding company has acquired six flooring retailers: Floor Source, Flooring Expo by Carpet King, Total Flooring, Floors for Living, Premier Flooring and Sam Kinnaird’s Flooring—the latter being a member of the prestigious National Floorcovering Alliance (NFA).

When eyeing acquisitions, Bock said he looks for companies with lots of customers, great leadership teams and industries that cannot be “Amazoned” so easily.

Flooring retail, which is unique due to its installation component, is not easily replicated by non-flooring entities. “I love the fact that full-service flooring is messy; it’s difficult operationally,” Bock said.

Unlike the spate of private equity companies entering the flooring space, investing in suppliers and distributors, 31st Street Capital is not a private equity company. They have no investors. Nick and Erin use their own money. “We are unique in that we acquire companies with the goal of holding and growing them long term,” Bock said. “We are intentional about choosing the right companies to add to our portfolio. We believe in making an impact with our employees, our companies and in our communities.”

Kevin Jablon: A humble leader
By Dave Cipalla

Kevin Jablon founded Spartan Surfaces in January 2007 in a small 500-square-foot space in Lancaster, Pa. Over the past 17 years, Jablon has grown Spartan into a nationally recognized sales and marketing company with headquarters in Bel Air, Md., and satellite offices in some of the largest U.S. markets.

Having a front-row seat to Spartan Surfaces’ growth journey has been amazing. From day one, while other companies were putting product first, Kevin always put relationships at the top of the list. He continued to drive this home with every single employee who came to “work with him,” which became a key phrase: work with him, not for him, in a mutually beneficial relationship.

It was never about what Spartan was selling; it was about the people and the relationships they built to drive success. People over products—Kevin carried this into the company’s inner workings, prioritizing Spartan Surfaces’ culture with the phrase “We over me.” Kevin’s belief in people and his emphasis on culture have been integral to Spartan’s ability to attract top talent.

Spartan’s focus on human connection set the company apart during COVID-19. Having established solid relationships and customer trust, the company continued to grow and out-service customers despite the outward challenges in the industry. Anyone who has worked with Kevin knows he sets a high bar but is an extremely generous and caring person to all his customers and employees. A company like no other! I am proud to call him my customer and my best friend.

Dave Cipalla is president of Lititz Flooring Co.

Frank Chiera: A bridge to the future
By Terri Daniels 

Drawing on his deep expertise in marketing and digital initiatives, Frank Chiera led the Retail 2.0 digital initiative at CCA Global Partners’ Retail Group, marking a significant achievement in home improvement retail. 

In response to the widespread frustration customers experienced during the flooring shopping process, Chiera spearheaded the development and integration of digital components into the Retail 2.0 initiative. His leadership aimed to enhance how customers’ online activities mesh with their in-store experiences. This strategic approach enables a smooth transition from online browsing to in-store purchasing, significantly improving the pathway to buying new floors.

Under his leadership, Retail 2.0 has added an extensive range of digital assets that complement a significant redesign of the showroom layout, ensuring a cohesive and efficient customer journey. Now, Retail 2.0 features a fully integrated digital experience, including a Program Experience Platform with an online kiosk and a Customer Experience Platform featuring a dynamic messaging wall. Retail 2.0 offers a comprehensive brand website, efficient sample ordering process, room visualization tools, QR code interaction and more.

Terri Daniels is the vice president of public relations for CCA Global.

Matthieu Dekens: A relentless pioneer
By Robert Varden

It takes vision to disrupt an industry, and committed individuals with passion, endurance and a unique, extraordinary knowledge. Matthieu Dekens is just this for i4F.

We met at a flooring congress where Matthieu was lecturing on flooring technologies. In a world where consumers are ever more demanding, and the installation workforce is becoming scarce, the new technologies are making a difference. We immediately sensed we had a common task at hand to deepen the knowledge on technologies and installation techniques. Matthieu’s engagement and desire to spread his knowledge was refreshing.

Matthieu engaged with me in a long-haul effort to get closer to the installation community. It’s interesting to witness that the company with the easiest system is the one running the extra mile to train industry professionals. 

I’m learning from Matthieu about new technologies shaping the future of the industry. Matthieu has an unparalleled breadth of knowledge of the most advanced flooring technologies. He is relentlessly pioneering new technological waves in the U.S. flooring market for the greater good of the industry.

Robert Varden is owner of Advanced Flooring Technologies.

Steve Feldman: The hardest working man in the flooring publishing business
By Reginald Tucker

As you look across the field of floor covering industry publishing professionals, you would be hard pressed to think of a publisher who’s more committed to the success of the specialty floor covering retailer than Steve Feldman. I would dare say the driving factor behind every single decision he makes—whether it’s the coverage contained in each issue of Floor Covering News or the content of countless special educational supplements and projects we have executed over the past three-plus decades—is how will it ultimately benefit the specialty floor covering retailer. 

With all the challenges that come with co-managing a high-frequency publication, attending a seemingly endless cycle of trade shows, conferences and plant tours (he hasn’t missed a Surfaces convention in 30 years, by the way), and doing all the little things it takes to maintain a competitive advantage and stay relevant, it would be easy to get sidetracked and lose your edge. Not Steve. He eats, lives and breathes the flooring industry. I would venture a guess to say that he probably spends more time in hotel rooms and on airplanes than in his own home. In fact, Steve was out there on the road visiting retailers when the world was shutting down due to the pandemic. 

As he often quips, it’s hard for him to say “no.” 

But for Steve, covering the industry with the focus, intensity and purpose he brings every day is not a burden—it’s his passion. Those who engage with him out in the field know this all too well. He is respected by leaders in the retail flooring sector, and he leverages his close relationships with the manufacturing community, particularly the industry’s major resilient players, to compile what is arguably the most accurate category numbers available. That requires a tremendous amount of trust and respect. 

But his commitment is also evident behind the scenes. His design sense, publishing industry knowledge and vision for special issues, anniversary editions and custom editorial projects is unrivaled. And let’s not forget about those thought-provoking editorials. Readers look forward to every issue—especially the end-of-year Christmas poem—to find out what’s on his constantly churning mind. 

While Steve is never one to draw attention to himself, the entire staff here at FCNews felt he warrants a place on the People Making a Difference list. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s well deserved. 

Reginald Tucker is executive editor of Floor Covering News.

Jeff Meadows: A true leader who inspires
By Richard Akel

Jeff Meadows is the epitome of a people person. His unique ability to genuinely interact with others sets him apart from most leaders. His gut instinct and intuition are invaluable when hiring employees and working with current and new partners. Furthermore, his overall trust in people gives him the capability to move the needle in this industry. He has created a team and a culture around him that continuously raises the bar on customer service within the industry. The fact that he remains so authentic in today’s world is a rare thing. He is committed to making everyone around him better. Over the years, Jeff has become a trusted friend—not only to me but so many others as well. His gift has also allowed him to influence the flooring industry tremendously. Everyone can learn from Jeff—from those who have been in the industry for years to up-and-comers and even competitors.

Richard Akel is the owner of Akel’s Carpet One Floor & Home.

Maud Swalens: A servant leader and rising star
By Nicki Rayburn

Smart. Determined. Bold. Confident. Organized. Creative. Hard working. Independent. Inclusive. Leader. Maud Swalens is all of these things and so much more.

Originally hailing from Belgium, Maud moved to the United States in 2014 and has been a powerhouse ever since. As an original member of the USFloors team, Maud was instrumental in creating the identity around the force that is COREtec. As the recently promoted COREtec director of marketing, Maud is not satisfied with the past success of the brand. She works tirelessly every day making COREtec more valuable and meaningful to our customers. Her deep knowledge and historical perspective of the brand, coupled with her excitement for the COREtec evolution is a contagious spirit that’s felt every day at Shaw. Her can-do attitude and growth mindset make her an invaluable asset.

Maud isn’t just passionate about COREtec; she is a selfless and committed community and corporate volunteer, leading initiatives such as Shaw’s sought-after True North mentorship program for women early in their careers. She also serves as an Education Member and co-chair of Shaw’s WiN (Womens Innovation Network) Associate Resource Group, she serves on United Way of Chattanooga’s Campaign Cabinet and was recently selected as a participant in the prestigious Leadership Chattanooga program. She also serves as a Dalton State College business advisory council member.

Everything Maud touches turns to gold. She is quite possibly the hardest working individual I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She makes COREtec, Shaw and the world a better place. I am so proud to call her friend.

Nicki Rayburn is the vice-president of COREtec at Shaw Industries.

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May 6/13, 2024

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