(Editor’s note: In the first installment of this two-part series, which ran in the Feb. 20/27 edition, the author covered the fundamentals of search engine marketing, or SEM. Part II delves into specific strategies and actions.)
There are two targeting tactics to use when you think about your audience: geotargeting and dayparting. The former is “where” you want your ads to show up; the latter is “when” you want your ads to show. This type of targeting allows you to focus your marketing spend during the times and in the areas where it would be most beneficial and efficient for you.
First, you’ll need to answer several questions to think about when starting your campaigns. For example:
- What is valuable about your business? Where do you operate? What locations are beneficial to your business?
- When is your customer online most frequently? What kind of research are they doing? Who is making the decision?
Next, take into account the user experience—how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. In search engine marketing, user experience plays a pivotal role in your conversions. A common mistake is to think about user experience as only your landing page. Your user experience starts the moment a homeowner does search and sees your ad. Since your ad is the first thing a homeowner often sees, you have to show them that you have to answer to their search.
There are two important factors you should consider when it comes to the design and user experience of your landing page. The first is consistency; if a homeowner is looking for a [flooring] replacement, you want to ensure that your ad copy is relevant to the user’s search and the services you offer. The second factor is when the user clicks on your ad and redirects then to your landing page. During this process, the goal is to have your landing page focused on, say, flooring. Additionally, this landing page should also explain what the homeowner would be getting out of you as a contractor if they are interested in a flooring replacement.
Ultimately, your goal as the contractor is to get the consumer to take action when they reach your website. This can be something as simple as filling out a form, clicking a button for information or, better yet, calling you. If you get them to do this you are more likely to close the sale.
However, there may be times when the user experience may not be so great. (We call this “conversion friction.”) The term refers to anything that keeps your customer from completing an action. For instance, this could be a form you want them to fill out, but something prevents them from doing so or makes them think twice. Another common cause of friction is slow site speed. More than 60% of searches happen on mobile devices. If your site does not load quickly, users will get frustrated and leave.
It’s important to note that there will always be some sort of friction in your lead flow, but always make it a point to minimize and improve the user experience. One way to do this is to optimize your lead form with the most necessary questions such as budgeting or type of materials for a project.
Gregg Hicks is a new business leader for Modernize Home Services. He has 20 years of experience across web analytics, SEO, social, SEM and affiliate marketing, and is a longtime marketer of home improvement services.