Chicago—The North American Association of Flooring Covering Distributors (NAFCD) and the North American Building Material Distribution Association (NBMDA) said they have further strengthened their long-time partnership during the COVID-19 pandemic to bring forth resources and programs to meet the specific needs of the distribution channel.
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organizations co-sponsored several webinar series covering topics that resonated with distribution executives. Topics included leadership during chaotic times, managing human resources during a pandemic, final management and sales and marketing strategies when in-person customer calls are on hold. In October, NAFCD and NBMDA launched a new six-part webinar series with ITR Economics to help distribution executives navigate economic trends through the next six months.
New this year, the NAFCD and NBMDA Emerging Distribution Leaders Program will take place virtually on Thursday, Nov. 5 and Friday, Nov. 6. The online program will feature customized learning designed specifically for career-oriented professionals who are being groomed as future distribution leaders within their firms.
Taking place Nov. 10-12 is the NAFCD x NBMDA Virtual Xperience, which is the first virtual convention and largest education and networking opportunity the associations have provided thus far. The event will feature engaging sessions from distribution matter experts and a virtual exhibit hall where distributors and suppliers can connect and form new business relationships.
“Our members have been hungry for guidance in a number of areas and have been very pleased with what has been made available,” noted Kevin Gammonley, NAFCD executive vice president. “We are looking forward to the virtual experience as a new way to bring the distribution channel together to learn and connect.”