Chicago—Last week, the North American Association of Floor Covering Distributors (NAFCD) recognized Dunn Rasbury of A&M Supply from Pinellas Park, Fla., as the recipient of the 2018 NAFCD Growth Award.
The NAFCD Growth Award recognizes a member who has made outstanding contributions in furthering NAFCD membership. From increasing engagement with current members and growing support from industry partners to exceptional efforts in member recruitment, the NAFCD Growth Award is presented to a member who has had a positive impact on the association over the past year.
“I’m incredibly honored to receive NAFCD’s Growth Award,” Rasbury said. “NAFCD consistently strives to connect and develop the members of flooring distribution channel through their educational offerings, strategic partnerships and networking events such as the NAFCD 2018 Annual Convention. I’m proud to be part of this industry and this organization, and I encourage those who are growing in their careers to join NAFCD.”
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