Chicago—The North American Association of Floor Covering Distributors (NAFCD) has joined a strategic partnership with Market Insights of Reading, Pa. The partnership is designed to deliver NAFCD member firms with an ongoing assessment of market conditions and trends in the North American flooring market.
“NAFCD is excited to offer our members insights on trends in the flooring marketplace at both the national and regional levels,” said Kevin Gammonley, NAFCD executive vice president. “Market Insights is a well-known and respected market research firm that specializes in highly specific flooring trend data which will help NAFCD members stay abreast of market conditions.”
As part of the arrangement, Market Insights will provide members with its Quarterly Market Monitor Report and summary excerpts of the U.S. FLOOReport and Canada FLOOReport. These reports will provide a narrative of U.S. and Canadian economic forecasts along with flooring market data and an analysis of the current competitive environment. The partnership also calls for Market Insights to provide members with access to its County Market Report featuring county-level market data on flooring sales dollars per flooring product category which will be highly useful to regional distributors.