The World Floor Covering Association (WFCA) updated its Industry Certification program and reduced the cost from $149 to $99 for members for all three designations, Certified Flooring Executive (CFE), Certified Flooring Sales Consultant (CFS) & Certified Flooring Professional (CFP) (non-WFCA member application fees remain $249).
The requirements for the initial certification application process also changed. Written references are no longer required and education hours required for the initial certification reduced from 50 hours to 30 hours for CFE and from 30 hours to 20 hours for both the CFS and CFP designations. Certification renewal will now be every three years for all three designations, CFE, CFS and CFP, instead of two. The number of hours in continuing education required to renew certification increased from ten to fifteen hours for CFE; CFS & CFP remain at ten hours.
WFCA members who are certified under the program are now eligible to receive 75% in trade scholarship funds for approved training programs up to the maximum available.
For more information about WFCA certification, please visit