In honor of the Emmy’s and carpet’s role in entertainment, I thought we’d visit an unconventional instance of the fuzzy-side-up on the big screen, especially to lighten things up after last week’s not so warm-and-fuzzy post.
Everyone thinks of the cinematic classic, “The Big Lebowski,” by the Coen brothers, when taxed to conjure floor covering references in entertainment. But what about an equally lauded, comedic masterpiece by the another set of Hollywood siblings, the Farrelly brothers? This is possibly the most creative use of carpet in Tinsel Town.
1994’s instant classic Dumb & Dumber may not be about an elegant Persian that leads to adventures of violence and love, but it uses the quintessential floor covering as a vehicle — literally — that goes far outside the box.
Aside from the obvious prop appropriation genius that goes along with this movie, I also love it because I have a personally autographed copy of the movie by Lloyd Christmas himself.
Way to go New Line Cinema. You put out an awesome movie that makes carpet look creative.